Chia seeds come from a desert plant Salvia Hispanic plant that has been used as food by native people for centuries. These tiny black seeds are a pack of powerful punches combining outstanding micro & macro-nutrients that help improve your health.

The name chia means strength in the Mayan language, and the Aztecs used to eat these seeds to increase the power & endurance in their bodies. So, what are the chia seeds benefits for health?

You have landed at the right place if you are also trying to find the same. This is because we'll talk not only about its benefits but also its nutritional value, how to eat them, and side effects.

Let's begin…

What are Chia Seeds?

Chia seeds, as discussed earlier, come from the Salvia Hispanica plant, a mint family member from Central & South America. The seeds have gained great attention due to their excellent source of nutrients and minerals. This is why chia seeds are also known as a superfood that helps improve human health in several ways.

Chia seeds are grown worldwide in Mexico, Guatemala, Bolivia, Argentina, Australia, India, and others.

Chia Seeds Nutrition Facts

Here's the nutrition value of chia seeds for 3.5 ounces (100g):

  • Energy – 486 kcal
  • Protein – 16.5g
  • Fat – 30.7g
  • Carbohydrates – 42.1
  • Fibre – 34.4g
  • Water – 6%
  • Sugar – 0g
  • Omega-3 – 17.83g
  • Omega-6 – 5.84g

Most Abundant Minerals Found in Chia Seeds:

  • Manganese – Essential for metabolism, growth & development of the body.
  • Phosphorus – Contributes to the health of the bones & tissue maintenance.
  • Copper – Good for the heart.
  • Selenium – Essential antioxidant for several processes of the body.
  • Iron – Helps transportation of oxygen throughout the body.
  • Magnesium – Great for bodily processes.
  • Calcium – Essential for bones, muscles, and nerves.

Chia seeds also contain vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B3, and vitamin E. Thus, chia seeds benefits for men & women in muscle building, and hormonal balance.

Top 5 Benefits of Chia Seeds for Health

Let's uncover some of your daily diet's most impressive and surprising chia benefits.

Improves Heart Health 

Alpha-linolenic acid, which helps enhance "good" HDL cholesterol, is especially abundant in chia seeds. You can eliminate the risk of heart disease and stroke by having high HDL cholesterol levels. According to the European Food Standards Agency, two grams of plant omega-3 ALA per day may help maintain blood cholesterol levels within acceptable ranges. Purition has an average of 1.85g of alpha-linolenic acid per serving because of these extraordinary seeds. According to the EFSA, one serving of Purition a day covers more than 90% of your daily ALA need.

Reduce Inflammation

Although several ailments can be exacerbated by chronic inflammation, chia seeds are highly valued for their potent anti-inflammatory properties. First, they contain a lot of caffeic acid, a potent antioxidant that can aid in reducing inflammation all over the body. Second, they are loaded with alpha-linolenic acid. This omega-3 fatty acid has been demonstrated in a meta-analysis and systematic review of numerous trials to reduce the number of inflammatory indicators. Finally, a high concentration of anti-inflammatory phytonutrient components found in chia seeds may help shield our cells from oxidative harm and lower the chance of illness. The predominant forms of these anti-inflammatory substances are phenolic acids and flavonoids.

Support Digestion

Besides supporting the good bacteria in your gut microbiome, chia seeds benefit the stomach. It contains fibre, which assists in maintaining the health of your digestive system. Chia seeds are among the world's top sources of fibre for the reason that they contain 40% of their weight in fibre. About 10g of dietary fibre, or almost 33% of your daily recommended intake, may be found in two heaped teaspoons. In the UK, fibre's dietary reference value (DRV) is 30g. However, the average intake is only 18g. With about 7g of fibre per serving, Purition is also a convenient method to acquire more good stuff if you believe you might fall short.

Maintaining Weight 

According to research, chia seeds is one of the best vegetarian protein sources that contains around 18–24% protein by weight, significantly more than that of other plants. The most satisfying macronutrient is protein, which lowers ghrelin, the hunger hormone. They also contain a ton of fibre. As fibre takes longer to digest than simple carbohydrates and sweets, consuming more of it will keep you feeling satisfied for longer. In addition to absorbing much water, soluble fibre swells in the stomach. This promotes fullness and delays the absorption of nutrients. In short, chia seeds benefits for weight loss by helping in body metabolism and controlling food craving.

Reduce the Risk of Diseases

Among other health benefits of chia seeds, this is one of the most essential benefits most people are unaware of. Antioxidants protect the seeds against hazardous substances known as free radicals. The antioxidants present in chia seeds benefit the skin in many ways. They assist in reducing wrinkles and protect the body against UV damage. Moreover, antioxidants, such as myricetin, quercetin, kaempferol, caffeic acid, and chlorogenic acid, account for an impressive 8.8% of their weight. By reducing the rate at which free radicals harm your cells, antioxidants can lower your risk of sickness and chronic disease. In addition, chia seeds benefit females during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, you must consult with a professional about your diet during pregnancy.

Chia Seeds Side Effects

If you have never consumed chia seeds, it's good to consume them in your diet by taking a slow & steady approach. This helps you know if you can eat these seeds without any problem.

For some people, it can cause GI upset and bowel distress if eaten in heavy quantities. Moreover, to avoid constipation, staying hydrated always after eating chia seeds is recommended.

However, these side effects are not new and can be prevented by incorporating chia seeds in an average quantity. Chia seeds are packed with fibre and are calorie-dense, so it's recommended to stick to not more than two tablespoons or 30g-50g a day.

Time to Get Chia Seeds Benefits with Your Daily Diet

Chia seeds offer many benefits, packed with essential nutrients & minerals. Adding a necessary quantity of chia seeds to your daily diet helps you live a healthy life. Here are quick tips on how to eat chia seeds tastefully.

  • Sprinkle on salads.
  • Put on smoothies.
  • Mix in cooked porridge.
  • Stir into yoghurt.
  • Mix with sauces & stews to thicken up.
  • Use as a crumb for meat or fish.
  • Add to cakes or bakes.

With the many health benefits of chia seeds, there are several ways to eat them. You can buy chia seeds from Junglesale, for best quality and gluten-free seeds.

Wrapping Up

Black chia seeds are tiny but packed with plenty of health benefits. From improving cardiovascular health and reducing heart diseases to better bowel movement, chia seeds have much to offer.

However, excess of anything should be avoided. Therefore, you must prevent the side effects of chia seeds by slowly adding them to your diet. Like other seeds, chia seeds are well worth in your healthy diet plan and your everyday meals.