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Recipe Ensalada di Pimienta

This salad dish was introduced to me by my Spanish friends on a recent trip to Almeria. The photograph was taken on a journey into the Alpujarra, an area south of the Sierra Nevada. We went to visit the village of Turon to witness the annual procession in honour of Saint Mark. We had cuttlefish, pork on kebab sticks, tomatoes and olives overlooking the cacti and olive groves shown in the photo below. We later returned home to eat grilled chicken, new potatoes with garlic mayonnaise, and Spanish Pepper Salad. 

2 - 3 Red Pepper
3 - 5 Cloves of Garlic
Olive Oil
1 - 2 Boiled eggs 
Salt and Pepper 


Preheat the oven on a medium temperature then place the washed whole peppers on the middle shelf and bake for ¼ to ¾ of an hour depending on the size of the pepper.

Cool then holding them over a bowl to catch any juice peel the peppers, cut open and discard the seeds. Cut the peppers into thin strips and place in a bowl with the juice.

Finely chop the garlic and eggs, add to the peppers with salt and some freshly ground black pepper. Cover with olive oil and if possible leave for a while at room temperature for flavours to mix.

(Courtsey Nutritional Therapist Pamela Singh)