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Recipe Papas a lo Pobre

Last summer a Spanish student, Soraya, from Andalucia stayed with me for a month. During that time she taught me how to make two traditional Spanish Dishes, Papas a lo Pobre and Spanish Omelette both of which have been useful additions to my candida free diet. This recipe is the staple food of the peasant farmers and translated means "Poor Man's Potatoes". 

Ingredients for One:

2 or 3 medium sized potatoes
¼ - ½ a red pepper
1 onion (or more if you like)
½ - 1 cup of olive oil


Wash, peel (unless new) and then slice the potatoes. Pat them dry. Heat the olive oil in a deep frying pan or saucepan over a medium heat and then add the potatoes. When the potatoes are cooked but not yet golden add the pepper cut into strips and then a few minutes later the onions sliced or diced. At this stage you can add salt to taste and continue until they are cooked and have turned golden. This is enough for one as a main dish or snack but will serve two if accompanying other dishes. 

(Courtsey Nutritional Therapist Pamela Singh)