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Recipe Spanish Fish Salad

This salad was a regular favourite with the family that I visited in Almeria, Southern Spain, living near the coast they eat a lot of fish. The first version here is exactly the same as that prepared for me by my hostess Carmen. I was surprised how nice it tasted but I must admit I did find the salt fish far too salty and substituted the prawns instead. When I returned home I prepared a quick and easy version - number two. This photograph was taken in the fish market in Almeria itself.


Version One

Ingredients: For the salad

One/ two little gem.lettuces
¼ cucumber
small onion thinly sliced
I avocado pear
Salt cod fish (to taste)
Black stoned olives

Ingredients: For the dressing

I cooked egg yolk
½ tin tuna
several cloves of garlic
4 tablespoons of virgin olive
freshly ground black pepper

Wash and drain the salt cod fish, chop or shred then set aside. Prepare a salad in a large bowl using the chopped tomatoes, sliced cucumbers, roughly chopped lettuce and sliced onion. Cut the avocado pear in half, remove the stone then scoop out the flesh. Chop this and add it to the salad with the fish and olives. Prepare the dressing by liquidizing the ingredients for one minute. Pour over the salad and serve. 

Version Two


Tinned tuna
Salt and pepper

Avocado pear
Green olives

Place the salad ingredients into a salad bowl and carefully add the well drained tuna. Take care not to mix this too much or the tuna will break up and become mushy.

(Courtsey Nutritional Therapist Pamela Singh)