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Recipe Survival Snacks

The Anti-candida textbooks have many recipes for biscuits and cakes for you to try. In addition try these alternatives also:


  • Pancakes – made with wholewheat flour, egg and soya milk. There are many recipes in the anti-candida recipe books. Any alternative flour can be used if wheat is off limits. Serve these at home covered with stewed fruit (no sugar) if allowed and yoghurt. When spread with nut butter and rolled up they make a portable snack
  • Ryvita – only the plain and sesame varieties
  • Rice cakes
  • Oatcakes – watch carefully some manufacturers add malt
  • Soda bread – preferably wholewheat


  • Nut spreads – almond or cashew butter but NOT peanut
  • Tahini
  • Houmous – check for citric acid, if in doubt make your own
  • Sardines – de-boned and mashed with lemon juice and salt and pepper
  • Prawns in a homemade mayonnaise
  • Some diets allow you to have a little concentrated sugar free apple or pear spread. This is delicious spread sparingly on a pancake, topped with natural yoghurt and rolled up


  • Nuts and seeds – freshly cracked nuts or organic nuts with sunflower, sesame and pumpkin seeds.
  • Tamari seeds – sprinkle sunflower and pumpkin seeds with a little tamari, spread on a baking sheet and lightly roast in an oven, or stir fry.
  • Popcorn – pop your own in a machine or saucepan. Add a little butter and salt. Do not risk ready-made varieties unless you are sure there is no sugar or yeast based flavourings.
  • Potato crisps – only the ready salted, plain, sea salt etc allowed. Avoid Walkers they have yeast-based flavourings. Seabrook and M&S are good.
  • Pakora – these are Indian snacks that can be bought or made at home. They are vegetables deep fried in a batter made from gram (chickpea flour) and water. Bicarbonate of soda is sometimes added.
  • Chapatti – these are yeast free Indian breads, spread with left over curry sauce and rolled up.
  • Coconut – crack, open a fresh coconut and keep it in the fridge for when you want to nibble.

My favourite standby in cases of real emergency starvation is to open a tin of chickpeas and start spooning. If you can wait long enough to add some salt, pepper and roughly grind some coriander seeds then so much the better.

(Courtsey Nutritional Therapist Pamela Singh)