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Recipe Tropical Fish Steaks

Last summer I visited the Bermuda Aquarium. One of the exhibits is a huge living coral fed with water from the sea outside. I watched fascinated as a diver went into the tank to feed the fish by hand.

The next day I had my first experience of "Scuba Diving". I was worried that I would not be able to go down because I have blocked sinuses and congestion caused by the candida. I managed to equalise the pressure and did descend to the sea bed to view some wrecks, coral and fish that took my breath away (good job I had a cylinder on my back then). That evening I cooked tropical fish steaks, the blend of sweet pineapple and spices was the perfect way to end an exciting day.

Ingredients: for one

2 tbsp Olive Oil
1 large Salmon Steak
Cooking Foil
1 medium onion chopped
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/2 tsp each of whole cumin, corriander and mustard seeds
1/2 cup chopped fresh Pineapple
Two chopped tomatoes (or tinned citrus free tomatoes)


Shape the foil into a little dish the same size as the fish steak. Place the salmon in the dish, drizzle half the olive oil on top and cook under a medium grill. Turn once during cooking taking care not to break up the fish. Season with the salt and pepper.( An alternative way to cook this would be to make a complete parcel with the foil and then to oven bake the fish.). 

Fry the chopped onion in the rest of the oil and when soft add the spices. Continue cooking for another minute stirring all the time. Add the tomatoes with some salt and pepper to the pan and continue cooking. When the tomatoes start to reduce add the chopped pineapple. Stir and continue cooking for another 1/2 minute to warm the pineapple through. Serve with the fish and a large salad.

(Courtsey Nutritional Therapist Pamela Singh)