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Recipe Yoghurt Spiced Lamb

I spent a couple of weeks in Bermuda in the Summer of 2002. I was impressed with the frendliness of the people and how clean and fresh the Island was. Everywhere there were hedges of Hibiscus, sweet smelling Frangipani and coconut trees. Grapefruit, pawpaw and bananas grow in domestic gardens. The picture on the left shows a banana tree in my daughter's garden.

The weather was very hot so it was easy to eat lots of salads - good food for sufferers with candida. This recipe for lamb has a tropical flavour and goes well with a salad on a hot summer evening.

Ingredients - for two

1 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
1 tsp whole cumin seeds
1 tsp mustard seeds
1 tsp whole coriander seeds slightly crushed in a pestle and mortar
1/2 tsp chilli powder
salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 cup of natural yoghurt
I ripe mango
2 lamb steaks or chops


Heat the oil in a pan and gently fry the lamb (or grill if you prefer). Remove from the pan and place in a shallow oven proof dish or plate. Cook the onion in the remaining oil and lightly fry stirring until it starts to brown. Add the seeds and continue cooking for another minute stirring all the time. Add the salt and pepper then cover the lamb with the mixture. Turn the lamb over so that it is coated on both sides with the spice mixture then place in a low oven to keep warm. 

Peel and chop the mango and combine with the yoghurt and chilli powder. Spoon the mixture over the lamb and continue cooking in a medium oven for another five minutes to warm the yoghurt. Serve garnished with mint leaves with a green salad. 

(Courtsey Nutritional Therapist Pamela Singh)